

Friday's Letters

This week, I was inspired by Ashley to do "Friday's Letters"
So here it goes;

Dear Victoria, British Columbia: I am excited to come visit for a few days next week, even if I will be working while I'm there.  You are a beautiful city! Hope you're ready for me!

Dear Tim Hortons: Stop being so close to my work, you're making it very difficult not to indulge and cheat on my diet!

Dear friends: To the ones that stuck by, and always will, Thank you! To the other's, F#!* you! don't bother.

Dear Goodlife Fitness: Thank you for always being there for me, even when my whole body aches, I still love you!

Dear new followers: Thank you for joining me in my blogging world! I love each and every one of you and I read all of your blogs :)

Happy Friday Ladies!

<3 Jessica


Words of wisdom

Ladies, We are ALL guilty of this!
Stop for a moment when someone's got you down and think about it. 

If you stop worrying about what other people think, you will live a far better life and it will be filled with things and people you love.


Journey Forward {7}

It's Thursday! Which means it's time to link-up with Chelsea from Life is a Sunset
for our Journey Forward!

Today's Journey is about the person who is our Role Model. I've been thinking about this for awhile now and I had a very hard time picking just one. At the end of the day, I actually picked my friend Morgan!

She has been through a lot in her life and she never stops amazing me. Morgan and I have known each other since high school, we weren't the best of friends there, but we chatted and after graduation we started to become close. 

The reason we weren't close in high school was because we were into different things. She was the party girl, and I was the girl that worked and had the same boyfriend for 5 years. Totally different pages, but when we had a class together we always chatted and hung out. 

After school ended she was in a long term relationship, and I had just gotten out of mine. We started talking a lot and I realized she was going through a lot of the things I had gone through, in terms of boys and marriage and life in general. 

Morgan has been through hell and high water in the last few years, with car accidents, gaining some unwanted "relationship weight" (You know the kind, when you just get a little TOO comfortable), other boys, jobs (she changed careers a few times) and a hectic family. The thing about her though, is she's always smiling, always has kind words to say, and always looks out for her friends. 

She moved into my apartment with me when she was going through some of this, we had a blast! She taught me how to eat right, train better, and got me on a much better routine. She was always there to talk to and always there to lend a hand!

Now we live nearby, I see her everyday at the gym and we have never been closer. She's done so well with her training, she's going to be a certified personal trainer, she has her life on track, boys in order, a pretty smile on her face, and she's the most positive person I know :)

So this is for you Morgan! I love ya to death girlfriend :)

Morgan and I last year (Yeah I had short hair... not a fan!)

<3 Jessica 


Words to live by.

Ain't that the truth!

<3 Jessica

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Wednesday's; Half way through the week? Or halfway into your goals?

What I'm LOVING this Wednesday;

Motivation; I love that I have continued to kick my butt into shape, do that extra 10 minutes on the stairs, and train until I'm literally pouring sweat.

Travels/Work; I love that my employer is sending me to Victoria for 3 days next week for training. It helps that they put us up in a beautiful ocean front resort and spa!

Jersey Shore; I used to hate this show with a passion. Since it's not a big deal any more, I actually like watching the old episodes on-line. It's entertaining to see how ridiculous they are.

Life; I love all of it right now, I'm in a good place with good goals and aspirations and things seem to be falling into place, slowly but surely. 

New Beginnings; All the new changes to come in the next month are exciting, don't worry I will keep you all posted with details soon enough :)

Myself; I love me! I love the changes I'm seeing and how I have accepted myself for who I am, and I couldn't care less about those that don't matter!

What are you guys loving today?

<3 Jessica


Baby Lips - Review

Alright, so this is my first review!
Maybelline - Baby Lips (Peach Kiss)

I purchased this a few days ago because my lips were dry and I have a hard time finding lip quenching chap sticks. I find that after I use one for awhile my lips become immune to the product and they end up drier than they were to begin with. 

Generally I don't buy any lip product with color or tint in it because I have naturally pink lips, and lipstick tends to make my lips more dry. I hesitated on this lip gloss but decided to give it a shot! I love it! The color is perfect (I don't like nude lips on me because I'm pasty to begin with) but this looks great! It has a hint of peach in it so it's not too nude! It moisturises great, my lips are not dry or cracking at all! For a Maybelline product I was surprised! I remember when Lip Smackers were a big deal, I love the smell but they sure didn't do anything for my lips, hence why I was so hesitant! 

Overall rating 9/10 
Perfect color,  Moisturising, the only down side was the price. 
$6.89 for a lip gloss at a drug store is a little much. It's no MAC Makeup!
This is one I would recommend and I will definitely buy again!

XxX Jessica

Sometimes & Always {2}

I love Sometimes&Always days! Thanks to Megan at Mackey Madness I love Tuesday posts!

Sometimes; I go just a little bit too hard at the gym
Always; I know it will pay off in the end

Sometimes; I wonder what you're doing up there
Always; I know you're looking down on me 

Sometimes; I think I was wrong to forgive you so many times
Always; I know everything happens for a reason, and I'm glad you're no longer a part of my life

Sometimes; I find myself singing along to the radio in my truck
Always; I pretend I don't see the guy laughing next to me

Sometimes; I get stressed out about what other people might think
Always; I don't give a *!#*

Sometimes; I get lonely and miss old friends
Always; I re-evaluate and I am thankful for the great ones I have

Sometimes; I want to eat fast food after work 
Always; I go straight to the gym and eat healthy after

Go visit Megans blog and Link-up with us for Sometimes&Always! 

Have a great Tuesday ladies!

xxx Jessica


Weekend at a glance

Well my loves, it's been another great weekend, and we're off to a fresh start for the week! 
I hope you all enjoyed your time off and are ready for another 5 days of work filled bliss haha!

This is what I got up to this weekend;

Friday I worked until 5, then went straight to the nail salon to get my nails done! Has anyone else tried "Shellac"? It's an OPI thing. Basically it's non chip nail polish, it lasts weeks! I only go back when my nails have grown out, and it's time for a new set! The great thing about this stuff? Obviously it stays looking fab for weeks, and doesn't chip, but it also doesn't ruin your nails like fake ones do! After the nail salon, I hit the gym for a few hours, and tanned before I left! I love my gym and how it has tanning (and that they love me so much there that they let me tan for free!) By this time, it was after 9 so I chilled out at home and took it easy. 

Saturday I met my friend Brett for lunch. We indulged in some chocolate martini's and a nice gourmet lunch at a fancy restaurant, followed by a trip to My favorite ice cream shoppe (yes it's actually called that!) After that I went home with a nasty headache, took some advil and slept it off for an hour. It was then time for my mom's surprise 50th birthday party! I had planned this for weeks, I convinced my parents to head over for 6pm, and all of their friends arrived at 7, blaring car horns and yelling when they came in, my mom was completely surprised! Oh and not to mention she loved her new Tiffany's necklace :)

Sunday I took it easy, hit the gym and hung out at home, and then went to my parents for dinner! Nothing major! 

What did you guys get up to?

xxx Jessica

Blog Hoppin Monday!


Happy Monday my lovelies :)

I decided to try this blog hoppin this week!
Grab the button and hop along with me!

Hug n Kisses

I'm it again!

Thank you to Ess @ This is Ess
I have been tagged again! This time, I'm not going to tag you fellow bloggers but I will however answer the questions she asked! So here it goes!

1. What is your favourite fruit juice? 
Peach five alive!

2. How long has it been since you last shaved your legs?
2 Days and I already hate it! I HATE body hair but I refuse to shave my legs everyday when no one else will ever know (except you guys now haha)

3. If I was stuck on an island ... (finish this sentence)
I would throw one hell of a party, even if it was just for me and Wilson... ahaha

4. What is the one thing you can never leave the house without?
My Blackberry. I am addicted and I will admit it now.

5. What are your three biggest pet peeves?
People who chew with their mouths open and people that complain about their weight and do nothing about it.

6. What was the pit and peak of your day?
It's early here, but the pit will be driving for an hour after work to get to the gym, and the peak will be after I'm done there!

7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
umm... over 300... I know, its a problem. Let's pretend I never told you and we won't speak of it again!

8. When and why did you start your blog?
Not too long ago actually. I started it so I could get stuff off my chest, not be judged, and so I could follow all the blogs I love.

9. Would you rather kiss Lil' Wayne for 10 seconds or hold a snake for 10 seconds?
I would definitely kiss Lil' Wayne! Hands down, I'm not touching a snake.

10. Who is your favourite person in the whole wide world?
Myself? Is that conceited? All joking aside it's my mama! I love her.

11. Are you a coffee or tea person?
Tea! Steeped tea 2 milk, 2 sweeteners! (Feel free to bring me one haha)

So there ya have it Ess! Hope you liked my answers :) 


Fun Fact Friday

Happy Friday Ladies!
I hope you've all got some sanity left for the weekend! 

So today I thought I would share some interesting facts about myself, along with an update on how my week has been thus far! Feel free to join in on my Fun Fact Friday and do your own :)

1. I am obsessed with anything leopard print and skulls
2. I was born a natural redhead... but I like my hair better black
3. I was a dork in Jr.High, but for some reason when I got to High school I was popular (reason still unknown)
4. 90% of my friends are guys 
5. I love babies, but I'm terrified to ever have one

Those are my facts for today! My week has been slightly hectic trying to get back into my routine. It's hard to come off of "vacation mode" and ease back into my regular life. I've done pretty well with it though. I've been to the gym all week, it's just hard to get myself to bed early!

This week I also realized I really don't have any girl friends out here any more. I'm tired of people's pity parties. I can't stand when people moan and complain about their jobs, love life, weight, friends (you name it really) We all have THAT friend that, pardon my language, BITCHES about everything. I'm done with it. If you need to vent, that's totally acceptable I will listen. If you need advice, I'll give it to you. If you need some support and someone to just hang with, I will be there. BUT.... If you're not going to change anything, accept my advice, or do anything to resolve your issues... Don't bother me. I'm not a therapist, I'm not getting paid large sums of money to listen to your problems in hopes that you keep coming back. I'm not your personal trainer at the gym that's gonna whip your butt into shape. I'm also not your boyfriend/crush, so I really don't know if he likes the color of your nail polish. That being said.... Give up on the losers, put down the Big Mac, and get a different job if you hate it so much. You can only change yourself.

Sorry about that little rant.... I'm always there for my friends, but I get annoyed when they do these things to me. I'm also slightly upset that when I need to vent or a shoulder to lean on, they're not there. Do you guys have a friend that turns everything into something about them? You know, the girl that you're mad at for something and suddenly the whole conversation turns around and she's mad at you.... It's retarded and I don't have time for these games any more. I've been out of high school for 5 years now.

I have a feeling this is going to be one lonely weekend.... 

xxx Jessica


Journey Forward {6}

So today I decided to Link- up with Chelsea from Life is a Sunset
The link-up this week is about what we do to unwind/recharge.
I think this is a great idea, it's so hard to find the time to unwind and just relax sometimes.

So what do I do to unwind?

1. Starbucks. I love coffee (always non fat haha) and I like the atmosphere in Starbucks, so often times when I need a break from the outside world I head over for a coffee with my laptop. I usually just look at old pictures or blog about life! (and read all your pretty blogs!)

2. Sweat pants! Every girl has that "go-to" pair of pants! Mine are from Arizona State University. I didn't go there but I have a house in Phoenix and I bought them down there. I always feel chilled out when I have those babies on. 

3. My laptop. I know it's silly but I would be lost without it. When I want to relax I find time to sit down and read things that interest me online. Your blogs are one of the things I enjoy doing.

Now if it would just be acceptable to wear my sweats in starbucks I would be set! 

What do you guys do to unwind?

xxx Jessica 


Highway or my way?

I'm not sure if you guys have tattoo's as well....
I have "Fame & Misfortune" on my ribs, and everyone asks what it means but I can't really explain it. I found this post from my old blog from the day I got my tattoo. To me it all makes sense. Maybe this will help explain... 

I can say without doubt that I know where I will be in 5, 10, even 15 years. I know I will amount to something because I believe in myself. I do thank you for all that you have shown me, for the person I am, and the person I will become. For these are the moments that leave a mark on a person. You begin to realize who you can trust, who you actually need, who is important, and in the end you too will see it , just look in the mirror.

The reflection that is bestowed upon me, is one of a girl who is beautiful, smart, successful, and unhappy. I failed, I got back up, and I accomplished things I never would have thought I could. I will not end this cycle of success or empowerment, but I will teach myself how to conquer all that is I.

There are no words to describe the everyday emotions that overwhelm my thoughts, but you won’t see it. You won’t hear about it, and you won’t feel it. I would never wish it on my worst enemy. Giving up is too easy, you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.

People are always rushing, running to catch a plane, running late for work, hurrying to get somewhere, but why? Time is the only constant in this world. It never changes, it always goes by at the same pace. Yes, this may be the human RACE, but what are we racing for? Last time I checked, the finish line wasn’t all that great….. When it ends, it ends.

I’m tired of waiting for things to happen, waiting for people to change, and waiting in general. From this day on, I will do things for me, I will make the best of this life and when I see the finish line, I hope everyone remembers the olympic gold I won.

Fame & Misfortune. 

That's how I was feeling at the time I got the tattoo, and I truly hope I always remember that so I never get lost again. I look at my tattoo's (I actually have 6) and think about what they mean to me everyday. 

Do you guys have tattoo's or things to keep you on track?

xxx Jessica


Good Morning fellow bloggers! 
Happy Wednesday, Hump Day, Middle of the week!

Today I thought I would blog about changes! 
I tend not to get TOO personal on here, but when I really got down to thinking about why I didn't have a valid reason. Now that's not to say I'll be giving you guys my phone number and address haha! 

Regardless, there are a few things you guys don't know about me... 
1. I got married when I was 18 
2. His family was famous....Famous in Calgary any ways.
3. I got divorced when I was 19
4. I've struggled to get back on my feet since then

Long story short. We were together for 5 years, and when it was over, I was left with nothing. 
When I say nothing, I mean literally the shirt on my back. 
For a few years I bounced between jobs, and boyfriends (If you even want to call them that, most were awful!)
Now, I've found myself with a good career, lots of positive things, and lots of goals and aspirations! 
If it weren't for a select few, I would have been terribly lost. For those people, I am forever grateful.
It's situations like this that really make you realize who your true friends are. Believe it or not, most "friends" from back then are LONG gone, and I wish them all the best, but have no interest in keeping in touch. 

So! Now that you've all been clued in... 
The changes! 
My body is one of course, but it's always changing! In a good way!
I may be relocating... within my city of course. Closer to work, and well living like a princess. 
We will see if all my plans go through or not! 
This plan also includes a fur baby!! So I'm really hoping it all goes well!
2012 just might be a great year for me! 

I hope you all enjoy your day, and I look forward to reading all about your changes!

Hugs & Kisses from Canada

xxx Jessica


Calgary Auto Show!

Well my dears, once again I did the photos for Audi in our Annual Auto Show!
I just thought I would share one with you! 
I had a little too much fun in photoshop haha, the car is actually just white, but it looks pretty cool my way too :)

Do any of you ladies like cars as much as I do? 

Sometimes & Always

This morning I stumbled across a new blog, one that I happened to absolutely love!
So I just HAD to share this with you guys! 
Megan from Mackey Madness
posted her Sometime's & Always! 
So to join in on the fun, here's mine! <3 

Sometimes; I don't feel like going to the gym after work
Always; I feel great after I convince myself to go 

Sometimes; I wonder what life would be like if we were still together
Always; I remember that this is all in God's plan for me

Sometimes; I look into buying my own house
Always; I realize it's a good goal, but I'm not quite ready yet

Sometimes; I get tired of shady people and drama
Always; I am thankful for the great friends I have

Sometimes; I wish my body was more fit
Always; I work out to ensure I reach my goal

Sometimes; I can't figure out what to eat 
Always; I resort to something with chicken in it!

Sometimes; I get jealous seeing all you bloggers with your hubbys/boyfriends
Always; I know in time, I too will be as fortunate as all of you

Love all ya'll! 
xxx Jessica


I've been tagged!

Well ladies, its finally happened.....
I've been tagged! The lovely Cami from
tagged me in her post, so I've been summoned to answer 11 things about myself, and.....tag 11 more of you! 
Here are my answers!

1. What is your best character trait?
I'd have to say my personality! I seem to have a way with words, and I've been told I'm very funny and easy going! 
All around I'm just a solid girl haha!

2. Who is the most important person to you?
This one is a toss up, My parents of course are very important to me. Other than them though, my friend Nicole. She's always there to listen, and give advice and even when we're not thrilled with one another we still love each other <3 

3. Makeup or Jewelry?
For sure Makeup! I can't live without it, I love jewelry as well, but I tend to put that second!

4. What is your least favorite food?
Onions! I hate them, I won't eat anything that's been cooked with them, or that's come anywhere near one!

5. What is your favorite store?
Makeup- MAC
Clothes - Forever 21

6. What is your most expensive makeup item?
This one I honestly have no idea haha! Everything from Estee Lauder probably, or I have an anniversary YSL Eyeshadow (that I have never used because it looks too pretty!)

7. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog for me! I love to write, and I like the feeling that I get when I know someone else in the world could possibly stumble upon my blog, and read how I feel. I also love all you ladies and your amazing comments and opinions!

8. Would you rather get a facial or your makeup done?
Facial! Until recently, I had never let anyone do my makeup and honestly, I like to do it myself! It just doesn't feel the same when someone else does it!

9. What is your favorite thing about spring?
Well, where I live... it means I can put the UGG boots away and rock some cute flip flops and skirts!!
It's cold here 8 months of the year haha!

10. What is your favorite color?
Hot Pink!!

11. What is one word that you always say? 
I really don't know how it came about, but whenever something exciting happens I always say "Legit??"

Alright, so now its my turn to tag 11 of you guys! 
Here are my tags!

Alright Ladies, here are your questions!

1. If you could trade places with anyone for a day who would it be?
2. With unlimited money, which store would you go to first?
3. Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?
4. What is your favorite article of clothing you own?
5. Favorite color?
6. On a typical friday night, where are your friends most likely to find you?
7. Why did you start your blog?
8. What is your dream job?
9.What is one thing you want to do before you die?
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
11. Where do you live, and were you born there?
Hopefully you guys have time to do my tag!
I love all of your blogs, and I read them daily! 

Love you all! 
XxX Jessica

Cancun 2012!

Hola Bloggers!

Well I made it back from Cancun safe and sound! Sorry for not blogging while I was away but the internet access was limited, and well..... I was on vacation!

Mexico was absolutely amazing! 
We met Snooki and JWow from Jersey Shore, Went to see Avicii live in a nightclub that held 7000 people, drank way too much tequila, Went to a glow paint party, Shopped of course, Swam in the ocean, Went kayaking, Rode ATV's through the jungle, dove into Cenote (caves with crystal blue water), Went zip-lining, Found Mexican boyfriends, and had a blast hanging out! 

The week was amazing to say the least! Here's a few pics to recap some of the trip! 

This is me, drunk on the first day ahah 

The sign for the Glow party we went to on the first night

Before the glow paint....

After/During the glow paint

Brittnee and I all ready to go out!

Snooki and JWow!

Dinner at Senor Frogs

Me and my Mexican Boyfriend Vicente!

What a lovely time we had, definitely got a little crazy this spring break though haha! 

Have a wonderful Monday my loves!

xxx Jessica



Happy Friday Bloggers!

If you've been following my blog, you will know that I have been anxiously awaiting my trip to Cancun, I leave tomorrow morning! I'm so excited, I could barely sleep last night! 

I attempted to pack.... 
I am the worst person for packing, I always over pack, stress about forgetting something, and I always think I don't have everything I need. I'm not done as of yet haha, but so far this is what I have;

4 skirts
5 dresses
4 tank tops
1 Dressy top
1 Bandeau
1 Pair of hiking shorts 
1 pair of jeans
3 bathing suits
Socks & unmentionables
 2 Pairs of sandals
1 Pair of boots
1 Pair of heels 
2 Pairs of sunglasses

I haven't even packed my hair or make-up stuff yet.... and the suitcase is pretty full haha!

Do you guys over pack as well?

Last night, I was attempting to grab a few things that I thought I'd need for my trip, I ended up getting 2 skirts, 3 dresses, Kat Von D lipstick, and Betsey Johnson scented nail polish hehe!
Today, my Avon order came in as well! Here's a few goodies I bought to try out! (The great thing about Avon, is it's all fairly cheap, but good quality! 

So here's a few pics of the goodies I picked up :)

Betsey Johnson O.P.I Scented Nail Polish 
Kat Von D Foiled love lipstick in "Amour"

Goodies from Avon!

Professional Eye Smoker - Very Black 
Fruity Lip Juice - Citrus Pink, Ripe Melon & Guava
Nailwear Pro - Blossom & Fuchsia Fun
Plump Pout - Pink Nectar 
Mega Impact Eyeshadow - Nude Attitude & Violet Voltage 

All of this was only $35.00!

Hope you guys have a lovely friday! 

xxx Jessica


Positive outlook; Positive outcome.

Good Morning my Loves.
I hope you are all enjoying your Thursday! We are one day closer to Friday, which is pretty much the weekend!

Today I wanted to write about being positive. So many of us take things in life for granted when we really shouldn't. I'm not saying I'm a saint by any means, but I do feel like often times we lose sight of the things that truly matter. Life isn't about the places we go, it's about the road we take to get there. It's a journey, not a destination. 

If you see things in a positive way, you will get a positive outcome. Whether it comes as a lesson, or something else it will be positive. Even things that don't appear positive can be learning experiences.  If you look at things in a negative manner, they will be negative. Negative thoughts, lead to negative actions, and those actions soon become outcomes, which will in turn lead to a lifestyle. Live in the now!

Everything I do, I enjoy. If I don't enjoy something, I find a way to make it better, or a positive experience at the least. I work hard, but I love what I do, and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. It gets tough, and there are most certainly days, that I want to give up and do something else. Those are the days I stop and think to myself what I would be doing if I didn't have my job, or my family, or any of the things that matter to me. I wouldn't be in a very good place at all. 

I am very grateful for the things that I have in my life, I've worked very hard to get to where I am, and I will continue to work hard for all my days to come. All you can do is try, the fear of failure is greater than failure itself. If you keep that mindset all the time, you really have nothing to be afraid of. 

I think the happiest of people don't necessarily have everything, they just make the best of everything they have. 

Take 5 minutes today and think about the things in life that truly mean the most to you. If these things are people, make sure you take the time to acknowledge that they mean so much to you. You never know what tomorrow will bring, so it's better to let someone know how much you care, before you don't have that option anymore. 

These are the things I appreciate;
1. My family (my parents and brother mean the world to me)
2. My close friends
3. My job (without it, I couldn't lead the lifestyle I do)
4. God (he may not know it, but I appreciate everything he does for me)
5. Karma; This one always comes around, I've learned this one first hand.

Happy Thursday Ladies!

Much Love 



Kony 2012


I signed the pledge, will you? 

Boxer Beer

I just came across this photo of my friend and I from "Beerfest" last year!
I'm the one second from the left, looking silly as per usual!

We had so much fun that day. Beerfest is hosted once a year, a whole bunch of beer companies, and new brewers all come together in one spot! It's pretty neat, you purchase a small beer mug and tickets, and you walk around tasting all the different beers. They have fun things, like this "Boxer Beer" photo set up to do as well. This photo, believe it or not made it onto the website for the company haha! We did get to keep the cute little boxers as well, but I should admit now.... The beer was awful haha! I actually quite enjoy beer, but this "Boxer Beer" is not a top choice!

The friend in the photo, and I go to quite a few of these things every year. We have tattoo festivals, and outdoor festivals all year round! Next one up, is the Annual Auto show, which I happen to do the photography for Audi at, so I will most definitely we there!

The funny thing about Brittnee (my friend in the photo) and I, is that we are like 2 peas in a pod. We have been best friends since middle school, and we do everything the same. Ironically, we did our hair the same on the day this photo was taken. We are so "connected" that we often end up in the same outfit, or with the same hair, without even talking to each other. When we hang out, we usually don't even say where exactly we're going to meet up haha. If she says the mall, I know where in the mall to go, no questions asked haha! It's very bizarre and we laugh often about it, because no matter how hard we try we still do things the same. 
I love her none the less of course though! 

Just had to share this funny photo!

xxx Jessica


Good Morning Vietnam! 
Well maybe not Vietnam, but I saw it in a movie once, so I had to say it haha!

Yesterday I was feeling a wee bit under the weather, so my bestie decided to take me out for dinner, and she surprised me with some treats! I was so excited, it totally made me feel better!
What a haul she got me too, so sweet of her! 

Cute Leopard print purse!
Leopard print travel make-up bags (PERFECT for Cancun!!)
Lotion so I don't burn
Estee Lauder - Black gel eyeliner
Estee Lauder foundation - Beach Beige
Estee Lauder foundation brush

Here's a pic of the make up close! 

I was so excited, this totally made my night :)
In case you haven't already realized, I LOVE leopard print haha! 
Dinner was very good too, I definitely cheated my diet a bit though haha!

Happy hump day ladies!

xxx Jessica