

My trip to the ER.

Happy Hump Day!

Not too much to report today, just a sore little girl today haha!
A few weeks ago when I was MIA from the blogging world, I got really sick.
Cramps like no tomorrow focusing in on my right hip. It was horrible, I spent 2 days in the ER and they thought my appendix was going to burst. Thankfully it did not, I had to go through ultrasounds, CT scans, Pelvic exams, and all sorts of stuff. It was horrendous to say the least.I was bed ridden for 5 days, on percocets and Tylenol 3's ah awful! So how did things turn out? Well..... they couldn't figure it out. They're "best guess" is a uterine infection so that's what they treated me for (and pain) It all went away but now it sort of creeps up on me, just not as bad. I am hoping this ordeal is done with!

So as promised I will still be posting my workout from the previous night :)
Last night was arms! I also did some core/abs but had a tough time due to my side hurting...

Also! If anyone here has myfitnesspal add me! @mzjessicaxo



Work, Work, Work it out!

Good Morning my lovelies!

I hope you all got a good night's rest and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast this morning :)
It's chilly out here in Calgary this morning, the winter months seem to last longer and longer with each year that passes. This of course does not stop this girl from going to the gym!

Last night was legs night! Which of course means... my legs are sore today! It's a good feeling though (hard to explain to people that don't obsess at the gym haha) I can feel how great of a workout I had though and I love it! 

So what did I do last night.....

Here was my workout. It was grand! 
When you see "4x10 lunges passing 10lb weight through legs"... it means you walk across the gym while doing lunges (do not let your knee go past your toes) and while doing this you pass a weight between your legs. If your left leg is lunging, take the weight in your right hand, pass under your right leg and hold with your left hand. Switch legs and repeat! You will definitely feel this one, so ladies if you're looking to tone those thighs this is for you!

Happy Tuesday!
Eat Clean & Train Dirty

xxx Jessica 


My life in a nutshell.

Hello my lovely bloggers :)

First of all, I need to confess something.....
I rarely post, but I always read!
So beware haha! I may not post, but I always follow your blogs!

Life has been pretty normal for me. D and I are still inseparable, his school schedule has changed slightly which makes it hard for us to see each other as often. I work the same, now I just focus on the gym a lot more! We are both very excited for our first Christmas together.

The gym and I have a love/hate relationship.
I love it, it hates on me the next day. Hello sore body!

I instagram my life, so if you wanna creep check it out.... @mzjessicaxo

This weekend we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday! 
We decided to gift him with Euros so he can go on a trip :)
He loved it!

We got him a castle cake (He is a history buff and wants to go see the castles!)
Saturday night was great, we had 35 of his friends and family surprise him at his place! 
I made him some appetizers, and everyone brought treats and snacks for the evening.

My appetizers!
Pictured above; Crackers topped with a ricotta cheese, basil, prosciutto, and half a cherry tomato :)
They were delish, healthy, and a hit at the party! 
(It's great to have a chef boyfriend to help with these ideas)

Since, I go to the gym on a daily basis and I pretty much live and breathe fitness and health I thought I would use my blog as an outlet to motivate other bloggers :)
Feel free to ask questions or post your stories, I would love to hear it all. 
I will also post workouts for you guys to switch up your routines, or just check out what I'm doing to stay fit.

Set weights as necessary by your strength!
Tip: Track your progress! Keep a journal of your workouts or key parts of them to track and see your improvements!
** I post my workouts just like this one of instagram, make sure to follow!

Love & Light



Halloween Gaga Stylez.

Me aka. Lady Gaga

Well ladies, there ya have it! My attempt at being Lady Gaga! My no-cost costume, I only used my own clothes and accessories! The wig is from a previous costume 2 years ago :)

My friend Glenn and I

Happy Haunting!



Guess whose back!

Well well well, I finally decided to come back....again. 
I must admit, sometimes I'm all about blogging and other times I just can't get into it. I run out of words, or I feel like my life is just boring. Sometimes day to day things are pretty lame. 

Nonetheless I have been following everyone else haha, although I don't always post, I always read :)

So what's new with me?
Well D and I are sort of living together.... This is unofficial information and who knows if we will move in. Regardless, he spends his time with me at my condo. D is back working, cooking of course and as for me, well work is swamped!!  I thought wedding season was over and all of a sudden I was getting booked for other events and weddings. Don't get me wrong, the money is great, but I was looking forward to a break. 

I'm back at the gym, hitting it hard. I must say I missed it. I love the gym, I love fitness and I love to see my body change. If I ever leave the business I am in I want to be a personal trainer for sure. 

Part of me is done with this city, I want out. I recognize that I am one of few "born and raised" here but I want out. I want to experience living somewhere different, new people and new things to see. Just get me outta here, at least for a little!

So although, I don't blog daily....
I do instagram daily! If you want to see what life looks like from my perspective follow me :)


Love & Light 


Dear 15 year old me:

Dear 15 year old Jessica: 

You are smart, beautiful, and you have so much to look forward to. 

Life is short, don't let it pass you by. Slow down, stop taking the fast lane and be ware of your surroundings. Not everyone is good. You need to stop thinking people are like this. I know you need to learn the hard way, so learn the lesson the first time. Please don't let people take advantage of you, treat them as they treat you and stop trying to please everyone.

Junior high wasn't that fun, hell it was a battle and a half, You got through it, you can get through the last few years too. You're not going to be perfect at every subject. you will fight with friends, and there will be some nasty rumours spread about you. Get over it, the world is not going to end just relax. If you need to punch that girl in the face, I give you full permission. 

Slow down. Think about what you really want in life before you jump into any big commitments. I know you want this right now, but maybe don't rush it. You won't regret your decision, just learn every lesson you can while you have the opportunity. 

Things are going to go really really good for a few years, watch out though. It may all seem like its coming up roses, don't forget to watch for thorns. Be prepared for the worst.You will have it all, and you will lose it all. When you reach that breaking point, smile. You're going to have to put on this "smile" for a few years. Yes, years. Start from square one, work your way up and before you know it you will be back on your feet. 

These are the years when you will realize your true colors as well as your true friends. Watch, learn, listen, and experience all that you can so you can make your judgements correctly. No one told you how rough these years were going to be, and no one will truly understand. Don't blame people for not understanding and not knowing how to help you. They really don't get it, and they aren't going to. 

It's going to seem like the world is ending, nothing is going right and you're completely lost. That's okay. Take time for yourself, relax and think before you act. It's going to take time to get to where you want to be. 
You will get there though, I promise.

Friends. Chose them wisely. The ones you think you should keep are not the ones you need to. If someone does you wrong, forgive them, if they do you wrong again, forget them. End of story, stop giving in. 

Stop chasing boys, let them chase you. I'll let you in on a little secret.... Don't be upset with the first few that don't go so well, they didn't treat you right. There is a man out there for you. He is very special, and amazing and you need to realize this when you run into him. Give him a chance. He will come into your life when you don't expect it, and about the same time you think you're good all on your own. He will make it better. 

All those stupid jobs, those will get better too. You'll settle down with a career you love. Be creative, you always were artistic. This will help you in the future immensely. Pick up the camera!!! You need to do this. Must do. 

Dear 15 year old Jessica. Have fun, laugh, love, stay up too late, and enjoy the best parts of being young. You have the rest of your life to grow up. 

Ps. Here's me when I was 15.... 

Oh too funny hahaha!

Love love love 


And then things got romantic...

By romantic, I mean we made dinner together. 
How adorable is that though?

I'll tell you how cute it is. 
D is going to school to be a professional Chef. I am not. 
So when I try and help with cutting or cooking, or well anything in the kitchen it doesn't work so well. 
I don't cut fast enough, and I always get in the way haha. 

Last night we decided to make stuffed chicken breasts. They were amazing. Hands down. 
We sautéed mushrooms, garlic, onions, and spices finely chopped. Next we butterfly the chicken and fill the inside, fold together and wrap with bacon, secured with toothpicks. After this we coat the chicken using eggs and breadcrumbs, and pan sear the outside. Lastly, we baked them for about 30 minutes to cook them through. We also made Basmati rice with a little olive oil, dill, garlic, and some leftover chicken pieces we had. Overall, this meal was superb! By the way, when I say "we" made it, I really mean D made it and I handed him beers and wrapped the chicken up... haha 


Happy Thursday :)


For the love of... love

Happy Tuesday Ladies :)

I hope you all had a great weekend!

As you all know, D came home on friday!
From the moment I picked him up at the airport until last night we were inseparable :)
I was so nervous and anxious as I was waiting in arrivals, his flight from Germany was late coming in, and my nerves were really getting to me. Then I saw his smile, and I knew that waiting 10 weeks was the best decision of my life. It was completely worth it.

My birthday happens to fall on Labour day weekend, yes my Mom went into labour on labour day haha and I am reminded of it every year at this time. D, my Mom and I went out for a very fancy dinner on Saturday. We had a few drinks, nice steak, and of course my Dad sent flowers (He's on his annual 1 week long golf trip with the boys)

D came home with many gifts, which he did not need to but they were of course beautiful and appreciated!
The first being a gold chain with a Croatian pendant on it, I LOVE this, I had mentioned a while ago I wanted something Croatian. The second was a gorgeous silver necklace with a heart pendant and Swarovski crystals :) Gorgeous as well! His parents also sent a Swarovski bracelet home with him to give to me on my birthday. The bracelet is stunning, and so thoughtful of his parents! I should probably take some photos to show you guys :)

The rest of the weekend we spent together, with some friends, out for drinks or out for dinner. Lots of laughs, wine, and love was shared. I am so lucky to have D in my life and so thankful :)

I woke up to a text this morning suggesting he come and help me grocery shop and then we cook dinner together, adorable! I love this boy <3

Love all ya ladies!

xoxo J


Thursday Thoughts

Happy Thursday bloggettes!
Today I decided to link-up with Sarah from Life of Love 

Here's my weekly thoughts.

Tomorrow. You're coming home TOMORROW!!! After 10 long weeks, the day has finally arrived! I am beyond words at this point. The condo has never looked so clean haha and I am ready for you to walk through the gates at arrivals tomorrow!

I'm starting to wonder why you always seem to talk about babies and weddings.....
Now you're put up a photo of you and your niece. Is this a hint?

Friends. You all suck. Thank you for forgetting my birthday. 
I will ensure I do nothing for yours in upcoming years. 

33.5 more hours until D is back!!! 

Over and out. 


A summer full of weddings

Good Morning my loves :)

This week has been hectic, getting ready for D to come home on Friday :)
I had another wedding on Saturday (photos to follow)
Now I have found myself blessed with an awful ear infection. 
I can't hear out of my left ear at all. This whole work business is tough seeing as half my job is on the phones.

I can't wait for D to come home, I'm honestly more excited than a kid at christmas! 
He says he is coming home bearing gifts heheh :)

I am however disappointed that none of my friends are going to be in town for my birthday....
They all conveniently "forgot" and they're going camping. 
Which I was also not invited to... 
Yeah. Stuper stoked. Not. 

Here's a few of my photos from Saturday!
Enjoy my loves 

Lots of Love 


Friday Favorites

Well ladies... dun dun dun!
We are officially 1 week from D's return!!! 
I may or may not be slightly more excited than the rest of you. 
Maybe yes? Maybe no?
So to kick off this weekend, I linked up with The Bargain Blonde to share some of my favorites :)

Lululemon: I love you hahah, I practically live in your clothes. I know, sort of weird. Seeing as I am the only girl in the service department at my dealership, I get away with murder. Not real murder, but the fashion kind where I wear lulu's to work with a lulu sweater. No big deal. I am the "Service Princess"

Tim Hortons: For all you bloggettes in the US or well anywhere but Canada, you won't understand the delight I have every morning. Tim Hortons is a Canadian thing, but it's amazing!! Starbucks is good, don't get me wrong, but for a good cup of coffee, no frills this is the winner. 

Hello Kitty: Slightly embarrassed by this one. You are just oh so cute. D does not really like my small obsession with you but he can get through it. I try and keep my "Badass" chick on a mission reputation, but the Hello Kitty air freshener and small TY beanie sort of give away this small obsession. Yes I have both in my TRUCK. Truth. 

Have a good weekend ladies :)

xoxo J


Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts for today.....

How on earth have I gotten through the last 9 weeks, but this last one seems impossible? D comes come next friday, yes 1 more week. I've had ups and downs, cried a little and been pretty good overall. I can honestly say, never again will I let the love of my life go away to another country for 10 weeks. I will however, go with him :) 1 more week, 1 more, I can do this. 

Slightly disappointed with my friends right now....
A friend called last night to chat, so we had our normal conversation, and I said "we should hang out next Thursday before D comes back" to my surprise, her reply was "Oh sorry I'll be camping" to which I said "So you'll be away all weekend.... including my birthday." Yeah. It happened. It always happens. Thanks mom and dad for getting busy when you did..... Now my birthday is always the beginning of school, or the long weekend. Awesome. Not.

Fix up, look sharp. 
That's right I'm pretty excited to dress up, and look pretty to pick up D at the airport. I may or may not have taken the day off to ensure maximum prettiness will be achieved. He's worth it :)

The new guy at work drives me insane. So much so, I would actually contemplate finding a new job.... 
I'm training him to do the job I should be doing... and he's a moron. End of story, there is no morning glory when he is here. 

Hug & Kisses 


Volim te.

Well hello there Tuesday Bloggettes!

Wondering what my post title post is about??
Well I'll tell ya! Volim te = I love you
In Croatian of course. 

No, I am not fluent in Croatian, however I do know how to say I love you and..... well let's just say a "select few" phrases/words hahah!

P.S. Just noticed it's 11:11, does anyone else make wishes like me?

I don't really have to much to tell you guys for right now. I had another photo shoot last night, and I have a wedding again on Saturday. Other than that I have 10 sleeps left until my love comes home :)

I remember counting the sleeps before he left, each night got harder and harder and by the last night neither of us slept at all. I am beyond words, so stoked for him to come back!! It happens to be my birthday on the 1st, and he happens to come home on the 31st. So I get my birthday wish!! He will be home and he can spend the day with me. 

Sorry for all the excitement, I did manage to keep my shoes on in this fit of joy though. 

xo Jessica 


Friday's Letters

Today I am linking up with Ashley for "Friday's Letters"
Honestly, I look forward to this every week! 

Dear B: Happy Birthday!! I had a great time last night and I'm glad you liked your gifts!

Dear Work: Thankfully we are almost done with you for the week. I'm exhausted. 

Dear Europe: I'm coming to visit. It's settled, next year I want to see you. End of story. 

Dear Dramatic "friends" of B: Thank you for planning her surprise party for tomorrow night. However, would it be possible to pick a place SHE wants to go.... You seem to have confused her classy, dressed up, princess, fancy style for.... well a less glamorous night. I truly do not think she will like the establishment you chose. It will be full of under age hipster kids with greasy hair. Maybe you should have planned this for her and not what you guys would like. Good "friends" you are....

Dear D: 13 more sleeps my love! I am so excited I can barely sleep (which in turn is making these last nights pretty horrible) Thank you for commenting on our old date photos on facebook :) You are just too cute for words. Volim te <3 

Here's a few of my instagram photos from B's birthday last night :) 
Follow me @mzjessicaxo 

Sorry about the spring roll pic haha, I had to!

Hmm that's a nice hat... Glad I made it for ya!

I HAD to buy this for you <3 

Happy Friday Blogette's!
xxx Jessica 


Dedicated to D

Happy Wednesday fellow Bloggettes!
I hope you are all having a fabulous week, we're closer to the weekend now!

For this post, I wanted to dedicate it to the love of my life D. 

Just a few days before he left for Europe!

So those of you who follow my blog on the regular know that D has been in Croatia since June 19....
This has been very difficult for both of us, and I have tried to occupy my time with work while he's been away. Things have been good, we talk regularly and skype at least once a week. We're nearing the end of his long trip! 15 sleeps to be exact haha! I am more than ecstatic to see him. The last week has been the hardest, he's been busy, I've been at weddings and working, and we really hadn't gotten a lot of time to talk. That is, until last night. We had an amazing skype date! We shared our feelings and love for one another and I feel much better now. It's hard when someone you love is across the world, somewhere you're never been and you don't know what it's like there. 

Before he left, we spent every day together. Literally. I used to go to his house for lunch when he worked at night, and if he didn't work I was with him after I was done at my job. The photo above was taken on his "Pre-Birthday trip" that I booked for us before he left. (his birthday was 5 days after he left) I took him to Invermere, British Columbia, rented us a beautiful condo in a resort (So fancy the mirrors in the bathroom had tv's in them!) we explored, went for dinner, enjoyed each others company and some drinks, and had a great weekend! It was a great trip to spend time together before he left :)

Regardless, I love D with all my heart and soul. Distance is such a small thing when someone means so much. I cannot wait for his return! I've planned my outfit already haha!  

Don't measure the distance, measure my love. 



Sometimes: I stress myself out and worry that things won't be the same when you return.
Always: I remind myself that things happen for a reason, and they will go as they are meant to.

Sometimes: I work myself too hard and don't give myself enough credit 
Always: I realize this and treat myself to something nice 

Sometimes: I just want to sit at home and veg-out 
Always: I let myself once in awhile but this is NOT a daily habit 

Sometimes: I wish I blogged more this summer
Always: I have to adjust my schedule accordingly as it's wedding season

Sometimes: I think photography picked up too quick and it's a lot to handle
Always: I work hard to attain the goals I set for myself

Happy Tuesday!

xxx Jessica 


Weekend Recap

Hello my loves!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I spent the majority of mine working as usual in wedding season. 
Friday night however I did manage to get some free time after work! A few friends and I went to see a comedy show, and it was hilarious! We enjoyed a few bevvies and laughed our butts off for a few hours before I went home. That's the only downside haha, I always have to be up early on Saturday's to prepare for the weddings.

Saturday I was at a wedding ALL day. It was one of my favorites this year though seeing as I knew the couple personally :) The bride and I worked together at an airline for a few years. 

Sunday was fairly tame, went for dinner at the parents to visit and of course spent hours editing the 750+ photos from the day before (I still have a LONG way to go with them!) 

I am terribly missing my boyfriend right now. I must admit 10 weeks apart is a long time, but it feels like even longer. We are almost 8 weeks into it now, 17 more sleeps until he comes home! I am so excited. Hopefully everything is the same when he comes back, a lot could change in 10 weeks. Our conversations have gotten less frequent, but he still "likes" all my status updates and stuff haha so I know he's thinking about me :)

Here's a few photos from the wedding this weekend :)



Friday's Letters

Dear Croatia: Please take care of my boyfriend for this last 20 days of his trip. The first 7 weeks has been very difficult, but we can get through this together!

Dear Boyfriend: I miss you terribly please stop being so distant. I know you're having fun with your friends and family but don't forget about me. 4 days is too long to go without receiving a message! You are the love of my life, I've never felt like this before and I am nervous things won't be the same when you return. 10 weeks is a long time, but I love you more and more with every day that passes.

Dear Work: Thank you for over-looking me for the promotion.... I am seriously considering things right now. I know I do my job well.... maybe too well. You say you're being greedy by keeping me at my position and you don't want to lose me. Make's me think another employer might value me as well, for a bigger buck! 

Dear Photography Business: You are booming! Dreams really do come true, you're bigger than I ever imagined you would be. Daddy says I may be able to make something big out of you, and not have to be employed anymore :)

Dear Body: Sorry for stressing you out to the point you hate me. I am trying to take care of you but life is crazy right now. Stop dropping weight!! 10 lbs is too much for me to lose right now, stop stop stop!

Dear Coffee: I love you. I love waking up to you. You brighten my day. That is all :)

Dear Friends: Some of you are valued, and I truly appreciate your support while D has been away. To the ones that decided to move away and tell me I'm "toxic".... kiss my poisonous behind! I don't need your negativity, your self pity parties, and your drama. Adios, Ciao for now, See ya later gator, buh-bye! 

Well Friday, you have finally arrived. I am one week closer to the arrival of my love now, and I have yet another big wedding tomorrow. Here's to all the ladies that work EVERYDAY like I do :)
I support ya, it's not an ideal situation, but you can do it, just like me!

Hug and Kisses from Canada

xoxox Jessica 


Miss me?

First and foremost, I missed all of you :)
Thank you to a few of you who kept track of me using Instagram (@mzjessicaxo)

Life has been hectic, and I mean hectic. 
The boyfriend left for Croatia June 19th.... 
I can honestly say I am driving myself crazy without him, however I miss him and love him more and more each and every day. 
We come's back on the 31st, man oh man time goes slow. 10 weeks is a long time to be apart.

It's wedding season! Hooray! Right?
Not! Hahah, Wedding season is always hectic for me. 
For those of you who do not follow me on a regular basis, I work for Audi full time, as well as own a photography company. Specifically weddings :)
So you can only imagine how busy life has been for me.
I'll put a few of my wedding shots up for you guys to see!

If any of you girls want to be super nice, you can also "Like" my facebook fanpage :)
I'll love ya forever, well okay I already do <3

Here's a few just for you guys :) 

He had actually hired me to capture their engagement
Which we had just moments before :)
Downtown Calgary, Alberta 

Jonah & Emily 
Garrett & Lauren 

Jonah & Emily 
Virginia & Rudy

Gorgeous Rings

Pre-Wedding Bridal Party Photos 

Just the girls 

The Engagement Ring

Engagement Shoot

I love this 1957 Chevy truck

"Hay we're getting hitched!"

Love & Light Ladies
I'm back now I promise 

xxx Jessica