

Weekend Recap

Hello my loves!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I spent the majority of mine working as usual in wedding season. 
Friday night however I did manage to get some free time after work! A few friends and I went to see a comedy show, and it was hilarious! We enjoyed a few bevvies and laughed our butts off for a few hours before I went home. That's the only downside haha, I always have to be up early on Saturday's to prepare for the weddings.

Saturday I was at a wedding ALL day. It was one of my favorites this year though seeing as I knew the couple personally :) The bride and I worked together at an airline for a few years. 

Sunday was fairly tame, went for dinner at the parents to visit and of course spent hours editing the 750+ photos from the day before (I still have a LONG way to go with them!) 

I am terribly missing my boyfriend right now. I must admit 10 weeks apart is a long time, but it feels like even longer. We are almost 8 weeks into it now, 17 more sleeps until he comes home! I am so excited. Hopefully everything is the same when he comes back, a lot could change in 10 weeks. Our conversations have gotten less frequent, but he still "likes" all my status updates and stuff haha so I know he's thinking about me :)

Here's a few photos from the wedding this weekend :)



  1. Well your definitely good at what you do!! don't worry about the boyfriend. when he gets back it'll be like he never left. lol

    1. Thank you my love! That means a lot these last few weeks are killing me

  2. Gorgeous shots hun! If you ever come out to BC again, let's do a shoot!



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