

Life as we know it.

Hello my loves. 
I have missed you all dearly and I know I have been horrible for not writing more. 
Life has been hectic, but not a bad hectic :)

So it happened. 
I fell for a boy. Yes I said it. Completely head over heels. 
I have spent time with him almost every day, I hang out with his Mom, I skyped with his dad (Who is is Croatia) and well, we do everything together. 

So here is the reason why I haven't been blogging.
He leaves on June19th.... to Europe.... ALL SUMMER.
I'm not impressed, I will miss him dearly, but I also found out the cutest thing ever. 

He was supposed to leave May 18th, but when we started seeing each other he postponed his trip so we could get to know each other better :)
How cute it that! 
He told me he really liked me and he knew if he left when we were still in those first stages I probably wouldn't be waiting for him when he got back. 
Now I'm in love and I have to wait all summer to see my boyfriend. 

Good thing I have photography to do to keep me busy! 

Here's a few shots I did this weekend for a couple engagement shoot:

I miss you all terribly, as you can see I will be lonely all summer so I will be blogging up a storm!
Until then I need some quality time with the love of my life!

<3 Jessica 



Well my dears, life has been hectic! 
D and I are still great, I didn't expect things to get as serious as they have already but I love it! 

I've also been house hunting! I have found my new little condo, and I will be moving in on June 15th! 
I will take photos for you guys when I'm moved in so you can see how nice it is!! 

Wedding season is also upon us, hence my lack of posts! Being a wedding photographer means losing your freedom on the weekends, but it also means a nice chunk of change haha! 

I miss you all dearly and as soon as things calm down I will be back to posting daily!

In the mean time, I post on my instagram ALL the time since its so convenient! 
Feel free to follow :) 

<3 Jessica


Sometimes & Always.

Sometimes; I think about life and wonder what God has in store for me
Always; I know I will end up on the right path with a little guidance

Sometimes; I feel like I've never felt before with D 
Always; I try not to let myself get to tangled up

Sometimes; I want to cheat on my diet!! 
Always; I remind myself how hard I have worked to get this far

Sometimes; I miss N
Always; I know we are bestfriends no matter where we are in the world.

Happy Tuesday my loves :)

<3 Jessica 


Weekend Recap

What a beautiful Monday morning :)
I had a fairly tame weekend but I had a lot of fun. 

I Instagrammed :)
This way you guys could take a look at what I did!
If you want to follow me on Instagram my name is: Mzjessicaxo

Here's me cruising in my truck being a dork haha

Ma and Pa's Garden

The BF at the car wash (Thrilled I'm taking photos haha)

Cool castle house we saw! :)

We baked cupcakes for our mamas

Watched Picasso sunbathe haha 

My weekend was good, we went for a few walks, went for ice creams, late night beers, good talks, and well I spent the whole thing with D :)

What did you lovelies get up to?

<3 Jessica


Friday's Letters

Dear Friday; Thank you for arriving, I am very thankful this is the last day of work for the week.

Dear Newlyweds; I'm excited to do your photo's tomorrow, but slightly disappointed that you only booked my for 3 hours and you picked 8-11pm..... way to ruin my whole evening. 

Dear customer appreciation night; You're welcome for volunteering to do the photography at your event last night. However a 12 hour day followed by more work today isn't great. 

Dear Starbucks; Thank you for forgetting to make my bagel this morning and giving me a free drink coupon for next time :)

Dear Boyfriend; Yes, you're adorable. I love that we communicate so well! 

Dear Boyfriends Mama; Thank you for inviting/expecting me to join you at Zumba (dance workout class) tomorrow morning at 10:45. I was looking forward to sleeping in, but I know you'll love me even more if I go with you. 

Dear Calgary Real Estate; Why is it that I cannot find a 1 bedroom apartment in a decent part of the city for under $1000.00 a month. Consider me not impressed.

Happy Friday fellow bloggers :)
Enjoy your weekends!

<3 Jessica


The Way I See it Thursday's

This seems to be my little thing to do every week :)

The way I see it.... 

Old friends always have a way of making it back into your life if they're meant to be there.

You need to have things in common with the people you hang out with, or it won't last. 

There will always be that one person that comes into your life just when you thought you had let them go. You will always let that person back in. 

Sometimes things look amazing, but deep down you're a little afraid of the future.

This week has been good so far. I've successfully continued to be smoke free, I'm volunteering tonight, I saw my boyfriend, went for wings with an old friend, but yet something seems to not be right. I just haven't figured out what it is yet.

Kisses from Canada
<3 Jessica 


What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving that I am 1 week 100% smoke free :) 

I love the cute things my boyfriend says to me before I go to sleep (he texts from work lol we don't live together!)

I'm loving my new rad diet plan, and crazy workout schedule

I love all the wine, the BF's family and I enjoy together :)

I also love that things are starting to sort themselves out, things all come together when you stop expecting it to happen overnight!

What are you guys loving this week?

<3 Jessica 


For the love of.... love.

Good Morning Beauties! 
It's Tuesday and boy do I ever have news for you :)

Okay, no need to get THAT excited.
I have been smoke free for 6 days now :) 
I quit cold turnkey and have no looked back at all, so let's hope this sticks! 

The boyfriend is marvellous :)
He made me lunch yesterday, texts the cutest thing, and his family love's me!
We also went to Beer Fest this weekend, went hiking, made home made pizza together and snuggled. 
I haven't felt like this for a long time, I'm enjoying it! 

I have to work on his hating of photos, but I instagrammed this one last week :)
That's all you get for now! 

I'm currently looking for a new little apartment, kicking it hardcore in the gym, and working. Lovely, I know haha!

I just recently got instagram, so if you'd like to see what life looks like through my eyes.... 
follow me :) 

Love you all! 

<3 Jessica


Summer Days.

Happy Monday! 
I hope you guys all had a fabulous weekend! I managed to survive it and get rid of some of my sickness :)
Still feeling a little under the weather, but I am much better now!

Now onto my minor dilemma...
My new boyfriend and I have been spending lots of time together, and I absolutely love it.
The timing was perfect seeing as my bestfriend moved away right after I started seeing him. Okay so far none of this is a problem haha! 

The problem is that he is going to Europe (home) from June 19th until the last day of August (my birthday is September 1st) 
So what do I do all summer?
All my "friends" have conveniently left me out, or "forgotten" to give me details to things. 
That being said... Looks like it's going to be a long boring summer. I just may road trip alone places and see what I find. 

Or maybe go see Europe for a week.... 

<3 Jessica


Friday's Letters

Good Morning My Loves!
Sorry I have been lacking in blogging this week. I have been sicker than sick, but I still went to work! 
Ugh and it was busy, ALL WEEK. This was a stressful, busy week as it is no need to throw in some illness! 

Last night the boyfriend and I went out for beers and steak sandwiches, what a great idea. I really needed that after such a long week. Only problem was, after we got to his house we stayed up and drank a bottle of wine with his mom haha! I had a rough morning today to say the least!

Friday's Letters;

Dear N: I miss you. I miss hanging out with you. I think about you all the time, and I get so lonely without you here. I would love it if you just came back. <3 

Dear Boyfriend: I learn new things about you every day and I love it. You treat me like a princess. Consider me head over heels. 

Dear Sickness: Go away. It's the weekend in a few hours and I want to enjoy it!

Dear Beerfest: The boyfriend and I will be attending you tomorrow, be prepared. 

Dear smokes: I quit you on Tuesday. It is now Friday and I have not given in!!

Love & Light 

<3 Jessica


High Heels; High Standards

Good Morning my Loves!
It's Tuesday and I am sick as a dog. Brutal, I know. 
Somehow I managed to contract a head cold on Sunday and I have been ill ever since. 
Yesterday I came to work, tried my best and gave it my all. My lovely boyfriend (so weird to say that, but it's official now) brought me cold medicine. HOW ADORABLE IS THAT?! 
I can say, no boy has ever done anything like that before. 

Maybe I should fill you guys in a little more about this boy.... 
We will call him D.
D and I have known each other since high school, he went to school with my ex husband....oh yeah. Slightly weird. They were friends back in highschool, but haven't talked since graduation. (In case you didn't figure it out, I went to a different school than they did)
D and I were acquaintances back then but really didn't know each other well. 
Just about a month ago, I ran into him... at a strip club. Why I was there, I really don't know haha it was one of those crazy nights. He was there because it was his friends birthday and he had gotten talked into it. Regardless, I saw him, ran up to him, gave him a hug and said hey! 
The next day I get a facebook message, telling me I look great and it was nice to bump into each other, possibly drinks sometime?
I said yes, but wasn't sure when that would actually happen. 
The following week, we started texting and chatting and well.... let's just say on a Tuesday night I got carried away, drank way more than I should have and he came to the rescue! He picked me up, made sure I got my truck in the morning so I could get to work, and was so respectful, he tried absolutely nothing. 
So now I owed him... I invited him out for drinks another night, he came we had a good time and we texted for another week haha.
The week after that, we went to see a movie, I decided I liked him that night.
The following day we went hiking and hung out at his place that night, and well ever since we have pretty much been inseparable. 
He's the cutest thing ever! 
So there ya have it folks... The girl that never has a boyfriend (or a decent one at least) has the most amazing  boyfriend and she may have slightly fallen for him... 

Wish me luck!

<3 Jessica