

For the love of.... love.

Good Morning Beauties! 
It's Tuesday and boy do I ever have news for you :)

Okay, no need to get THAT excited.
I have been smoke free for 6 days now :) 
I quit cold turnkey and have no looked back at all, so let's hope this sticks! 

The boyfriend is marvellous :)
He made me lunch yesterday, texts the cutest thing, and his family love's me!
We also went to Beer Fest this weekend, went hiking, made home made pizza together and snuggled. 
I haven't felt like this for a long time, I'm enjoying it! 

I have to work on his hating of photos, but I instagrammed this one last week :)
That's all you get for now! 

I'm currently looking for a new little apartment, kicking it hardcore in the gym, and working. Lovely, I know haha!

I just recently got instagram, so if you'd like to see what life looks like through my eyes.... 
follow me :) 

Love you all! 

<3 Jessica


  1. Woo hoooooo!! You go girl! I know you can do this!

  2. Gongrats for quitting smoking!! :)

    P.s. U are welcome to check out my blog anytime!! :)

    Much love,
    The Cabinet Of Fashion blog

  3. Good job on quitting, that is awesome!! xx

  4. Ooh lala a boyfriend! Don't worry, Will hated pictures too! Once he realized how important they were to me, he slowly started participating. Good for you for quitting! Especially with you working out- you will feel so much better!


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