

Journey Forward {10}

Linking up with Chelsea from Life is a Sunset today for her Journey Forward.

Today's journey is about comparing yourself to people... 
Dear Chelsea; Today was especially hard for me to do this Journey Forward. I look forward to Thursday's to see what you come up with and how everyone responds, but today mine's a little backwards.

Ladies, Gentleman, Scholars, and Scoundrels..... 
I don't compare myself to any of you. 
I hate to be that person that says this, but it's the truth. 
I'd be lying if I said I wanted to have lovely blonde hair, or the newest iphone, and I only knew this because I was comparing myself to someone. 
That's just not the case! I do like blonde hair, but the girls that rock it can keep on rocking it! I do think iphone's are cool, but I'm not about to trade in my blackberry because the guy at starbucks has one and it made me want one. 
I like me, the way I am, and with the things I have. I have them because I like them, and I don't really care if other people like what I have. Truth of the matter is.... You just do you, and I'll be over here doin me hahah! 

Keep on rockin in the free world dudes! 

<3 Jessica 


  1. All sorts of kudos to you for not comparing yourself to other people. I try to avoid it...but I definitely have a tendency to hold my accomplishments up against other people's. Go you for being yourself and being totally happy with it!

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

    1. Just keep doing you girl!!
      No need to be the same as everyone else!
      You came in as an original, don't leave as a copy!

  2. Yay you. I would have said pretty much the same thing. You have to do you :)

    1. I totally knew you'd comment on this! Seeing as your my twin from across the world hahah, we think on the same wavelength for sure

  3. Way to go!!!!!!!! Worry about your self! screw everyone else.

  4. I need to take a better approach towards things like this Jessica. I am glad you don't compare yourself to others because I have a horrible tendency to do it. But you are right, appreciate yourself for who you are.

    1. You're a beautiful, smart woman you don't need to compare yourself!

  5. I try to avoid comparison so much, it's the times I fall into it that I am miserable and so down. But, when I allow myself to be myself and shine, that is when I am happiest. It can get hard with blogs as everyone thinks you should be posting about trends or wearing the latest fashions, but that just isn't me. I try to just ignore that and stay myself. We are special as we are & we have to believe in that!! No more comparing for me ;) Have a super weekend love! xx

  6. hmm.. I have this problem too, I often keep comparing myself to ppl, then i feel sorry for myself. I try to snap out of this mindset but sometimes its hard.

    1. The fear of failure is greater than failure itself so don't stop trying!


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