

My trip to the ER.

Happy Hump Day!

Not too much to report today, just a sore little girl today haha!
A few weeks ago when I was MIA from the blogging world, I got really sick.
Cramps like no tomorrow focusing in on my right hip. It was horrible, I spent 2 days in the ER and they thought my appendix was going to burst. Thankfully it did not, I had to go through ultrasounds, CT scans, Pelvic exams, and all sorts of stuff. It was horrendous to say the least.I was bed ridden for 5 days, on percocets and Tylenol 3's ah awful! So how did things turn out? Well..... they couldn't figure it out. They're "best guess" is a uterine infection so that's what they treated me for (and pain) It all went away but now it sort of creeps up on me, just not as bad. I am hoping this ordeal is done with!

So as promised I will still be posting my workout from the previous night :)
Last night was arms! I also did some core/abs but had a tough time due to my side hurting...

Also! If anyone here has myfitnesspal add me! @mzjessicaxo



Work, Work, Work it out!

Good Morning my lovelies!

I hope you all got a good night's rest and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast this morning :)
It's chilly out here in Calgary this morning, the winter months seem to last longer and longer with each year that passes. This of course does not stop this girl from going to the gym!

Last night was legs night! Which of course means... my legs are sore today! It's a good feeling though (hard to explain to people that don't obsess at the gym haha) I can feel how great of a workout I had though and I love it! 

So what did I do last night.....

Here was my workout. It was grand! 
When you see "4x10 lunges passing 10lb weight through legs"... it means you walk across the gym while doing lunges (do not let your knee go past your toes) and while doing this you pass a weight between your legs. If your left leg is lunging, take the weight in your right hand, pass under your right leg and hold with your left hand. Switch legs and repeat! You will definitely feel this one, so ladies if you're looking to tone those thighs this is for you!

Happy Tuesday!
Eat Clean & Train Dirty

xxx Jessica 


My life in a nutshell.

Hello my lovely bloggers :)

First of all, I need to confess something.....
I rarely post, but I always read!
So beware haha! I may not post, but I always follow your blogs!

Life has been pretty normal for me. D and I are still inseparable, his school schedule has changed slightly which makes it hard for us to see each other as often. I work the same, now I just focus on the gym a lot more! We are both very excited for our first Christmas together.

The gym and I have a love/hate relationship.
I love it, it hates on me the next day. Hello sore body!

I instagram my life, so if you wanna creep check it out.... @mzjessicaxo

This weekend we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday! 
We decided to gift him with Euros so he can go on a trip :)
He loved it!

We got him a castle cake (He is a history buff and wants to go see the castles!)
Saturday night was great, we had 35 of his friends and family surprise him at his place! 
I made him some appetizers, and everyone brought treats and snacks for the evening.

My appetizers!
Pictured above; Crackers topped with a ricotta cheese, basil, prosciutto, and half a cherry tomato :)
They were delish, healthy, and a hit at the party! 
(It's great to have a chef boyfriend to help with these ideas)

Since, I go to the gym on a daily basis and I pretty much live and breathe fitness and health I thought I would use my blog as an outlet to motivate other bloggers :)
Feel free to ask questions or post your stories, I would love to hear it all. 
I will also post workouts for you guys to switch up your routines, or just check out what I'm doing to stay fit.

Set weights as necessary by your strength!
Tip: Track your progress! Keep a journal of your workouts or key parts of them to track and see your improvements!
** I post my workouts just like this one of instagram, make sure to follow!

Love & Light
